Genealogical Services

Generally one has the impression that genealogists have very high prices for our services, and this is not always the case.


As a genealogist and family historian I offer various services, all oriented to research, preservation and dissemination of the history of his family.

Complete Genealogical Research

I'll find out through documentary research the name and acts of your ancestors, then capture all information collected in a report to deliver, depending on the contracted service.


For prices contact me

Oral History Project Rescue

Oral testimony is the specialty within historical science which uses as the main source for reconstructing the past oral testimony. It can also be understood as a synonym for oral tradition, that is, the record of the past committed to memory and oral transmission between generations, such as myths and legends. However, they must be separated the two concepts, since the first is reconstructed with firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses, so it is restricted to contemporary history, and the second refers to ancient periods which are not logically living witnesses.


Thus, I offer the service to rescue the oral history of his family, through recorded interviews to be undertaken to members of his family.


Such projects are priced in particular, according to the customer's wishes and depth that requires research.